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A New Feature a Week | Backseat AI Monthly Tonka Tea: August 2024

August 11, 2024

Supsup, Backseaters!

Hope your August has been off to a great start! For us, this marks month 2 of our  early alpha launch, and the team’s been hard at work building and testing internally. We’ve got a few things to share about improvements, up-and-coming features, and ways you can join in on the fun.

As gamers ourselves, we understand the importance of transparency and news over time; with this, you can expect to receive weekly bite-sized updates in your inbox, and monthly dev roundups. We’re targeting to ship a new feature every week starting next week, so you’ll be hearing from us more often!

We’re excited to let you in on what we’ve been working on, starting with some quality of life improvements:

What We’ve Shipped ⭐

💬 Giving Feedback on Coaching Tips

We’ve added the feature to easily flag coaching tips as ‘Helpful’ or ‘Unhelpful.’ This way, you’ll receive better and more relevant advice from your Backseat buddy, and we’ll be able to finetune our AI models. Win-win!   

🔄 Role Toggle

One of your teammates got counterpicked and wants to swap lanes with you? You can now manually toggle roles to reflect these role swaps and optimize for matchups on the spot. Just hold 'Tab' and drag your champ to their new role.

What’s On the Come Up 🎉

🤖 Backseat Bot

Need some League advice in a snap? We’re working on Backseat Bot, a chat-based Discord bot that'll respond to your game-related questions in true Tyler1 fashion. Once it's out, you'll be able to access it exclusively on the Backseat AI Discord server.

🤝 The More, the Merrier

While we’ve been squashing bugs and improving features, we’ve also been working in parallel with some of your favorite creators who are just as excited to join Backseat – and become your new buddy! Stay tuned for more news on Creator #2 very soon. 👀

🏆 Friendly Fire

We’re cooking up some community events starting in September: there’ll be tournaments, contests, and exciting prizes! Be sure to hop on the Discord so you don’t miss ‘em, and drop your suggestions on what you’d like to see!

Closing Thoughts 👏

As we expand our lineup of creators, grow our community, and continue building Backseat alongside you, feel free to share your thoughts on how else we can improve. Thanks for all your patience, your feedback means a lot to us! 

Let’s keep in touch – shoot us a message anytime at hello@backseat.gg.

We’re just getting started, and are already pumped for the next updates we’ve got for you.

See you on the Rift,

Backseat Team

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